Monday, April 27, 2009

Bobbi-Lou. There you are!

I got a glimpse of my "happy" Bob I used to know, on the trip. Still too cool to put an arm around her mom for the camera, but it was nice to enjoy her sweet disposition, even if only for a week. We decided we need to get her "away from it all" more often. Juggling school, napping, texting, I-pod navigation and avoidance of homework & cleaning can be such a strain on teens theese days. But alas, we're home now and life has normalized. Farewell joy. . . we barely knew thee!

The "Shane" of my exhistence.

Everyone needs a "Shane" in their life. He's the Uncle that the kids always have fun with and the adults can rely on to enforce the rules. Also, he's an amazing photographer so your trip will be well documented if he comes along. Shaner- the kids can't wait to see the under-water video you got! He flies for free so I just shoot him a text whenever we're planning a trip and if he's available he tags along. I love him. . . oh, that guy standing next to him is all right too, ;) but that goes without saying. Love you, lover.

Spring Break '09 - "Pepple Beach"

Chris & I were both amazed this trip at how much fun a family vacation can be once your kids are "old enough". We kept knockin' on wood. . . the teenager was pleasant, the boys were getting along and the munchkin was sweet, relatively speaking of course.

C-Dude "Mom, check out my 6-pack. . . on my back!!"

His favorite color is "golden", his favorite song is"City" by Hollywood Undead, his favorite food is steak & he thinks every day should end with a bowl of cereal, especially after bed-time. When he grows up he wants to be a "radiologist that plays the piano really good & has big muscles" hmm, wonder where that came from? He hates how his hair turns white in the Summer, & he like it when Bob straightens it. His football coaches call him "Sunshine" or "Brad Pitt" & he has no idea why. He's been hounding me for a pair of "skinny jeans" and blue high-top Converse shoes for two months. We both know it won't end until he has them for his own. He knows how to play his mother, the smile gets me every time. He also knows how to agitate the snot out of me, and can hold a grudge for hours. Caleb is so much like his dad it scares me, except for the grudge part. . . that's on me. My kids are sooo mine.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Easter 2009

Easter morning. It was a quick one. Looked for eggs, put on Easter outfits, one hour of church then piled into the car for our Spring Break extravaganza!! More to come . . .