Monday, April 27, 2009

The "Shane" of my exhistence.

Everyone needs a "Shane" in their life. He's the Uncle that the kids always have fun with and the adults can rely on to enforce the rules. Also, he's an amazing photographer so your trip will be well documented if he comes along. Shaner- the kids can't wait to see the under-water video you got! He flies for free so I just shoot him a text whenever we're planning a trip and if he's available he tags along. I love him. . . oh, that guy standing next to him is all right too, ;) but that goes without saying. Love you, lover.


  1. You are right. Your blog is so different from mine! I don't understand why I have to select "comment as" when I want to post a comment. Ahhhh the pressure am I google, livejournal, wordpress, typepad, aim, openim? I'm not sure I can handle this!!!!!!

  2. Mindi, I hope all the other Shane's out there have families worth flying to visit at the drop of a text. Otherwise, you've created a world of disappointed Shanes. Love you and thanks.

    BTW, here's my blog:
