Saturday, March 28, 2009

Forgetting Enna

I pick up Bob from school every day around 2:30. Ethany comes with me, sometimes she's happy to do so and other times it's a bit of a chore to get her in the car. After what happened this week, I don't think I'll ever again have to ask twice again. The school is about 7 minutes away. I told Ethany 'it's time to go, let's get in the car'. I thought I heard the garage door shut so I followed her out, got in the car, opened the garage door, told her to buckle up and I was off. I got to the school & realized I hadn't been yelled at for anything. Nothing, I hadn't started a movie, I was listening to "talking" on the radio, and nobody yelled "GOOO" when I came to the red light. Strange. I looked back in Ethany's car-seat and noticed it was empty. "Ethany?" Sometimes she hides in the back to make me think I left her. Just then Bob got in the car and I told her to check the back. No Ethany. I bolted home, somehow managing to lag behind every slow driver in my neighborhood!! When I got to the driveway, there she was. Standing next to the mailbox, sobbing. I opened the door, picked her up and wanted to cry myself. I said I'm sorry and she replied, "I went to get my shoes and when I came to the garage you were already gone. Today you didn't know things. Even my nose is crying!" Once again, there goes my mother-of-the-year award.
I was feeling pretty sorry for myself until I texted my sister Marli and she told me that she had forgotten SOMEONE ELSE'S KID at school that day, AND DIDN'T REMEMBER UNTIL THE KID'S MOM SHOWED UP AT HER HOUSE THAT NIGHT TO ASK "WHY?"!! She won this round, but I'll be back.


  1. o.k. that did make me sad to hear about Ethany standing there crying, but holy cow I'm dying to hear what your sister told her friend (maybe not so much friend anymore)!

  2. albeit an're right, she'll never be late running into your car again. That's so sad her nose was crying though. I can still remember the view looking out the dining room window crying when my family forgot me when they went to Lagoon (I think Brigham City they turned around? Not sure.)

  3. I have done something similar. Oh, I feel so bad for her and for you, but we all know...she will get over it. I think you were dead on for your dream analysis. I was strict on naps and really had a bad feeling about you and Tori!! Sorry. No, seeing you in these photos and hearing your written voice makes me miss you even more.

  4. I'm so glad you are somewhat normal!
    Although, that is a sad moment when things like that happen. It's okay...i'll share the "mother of the year" award when I receive it!......hahaha

  5. Have you STILL forgot Enna or just forgotten how to blog! :) Thanks for the b-day wishes! You're the best.

  6. Amy,
    it was a bad night all around. I was already an emotional wreck from the day so I'm sure it didn't hurt my case that I was crying. But, really, what do you say? I told her all the reasons why I had forgotten and then told her there were no excuses. She said we were alright, and they actually still trust me to pick up their son still. However, they did go out and buy her a van the next day. (they had been trying to do things with only one vehicle until she had her baby in a couple of months) I can't help but wonder if my actions were a driving force in them making that purchase a bit early. I choose to look on the bright side though- I was happy to help them hurry up in the process of buying an automobile for a couple of reasons. #1- no mother of 3, almost 4, should be left home all day without a car. AND #2- i helped in stimulating the economy, someone sold a car and got a much needed pay check. That's how us fellow "motheroftheyear-never" award winners look at things.
