Wednesday, June 17, 2009

What do you say to an Apostle?

Our family had a rare and sweet opportunity to meet an apostle. This particular Apostle also happened to be Chris' mission President, a few years back. He was traveling with Elder Bidnar so didn't have time to come to our home but instead arranged for a meeting with us in the Stake President's office after our stake conference, which he spoke at. What are the chances? Chris was so excited to hear about his family, and where they are now. We realized that when he was with Chris in France, he and his wife were almost our exact same age, and had kids right around our kids' ages. The same "phase" of life, so to speak. I was so impressed as he took the time to ask each child of their interests and then gave each of them a little advice. He seemed to know just the thing so say to each of them. The next few posts are of that meeting. If you know my kids, you know it won't be boring! However, viewer warning, for those of you with weak constitutions towards all things spiritual or "mormonesque" just skip down to "Bob's birthday". For the rest of you, prepare to be embarrassed for me, that is, if I were still able to be embarassed. :)

1 comment:

  1. that is awesome. what a neat experience. love the kids' comments. they crack me up!
